mrtns blog


a real human being writing about infosec, coding and other stuff. maybe.

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Covid-19 changes

14 May 2020 - mrtn

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed (almost) everything. One of the biggest changes to notice was the shift to work from home. Suddenly, everyone who was able to, was ordered to #StayHome - something that has been "not possible" in lots of corporations. And after a while, I heard lots of people asking themselves, why they should return to their offices. Even some companies like [twitter]( will allow their personnel to work from home indefinately. If you ask me, that's something that everybody should be able to do (if the job allows it). Of course, my perspective is heavily biased by being an extremely privileged *knowledge worker* in the information age. But what is with the other people? To ones that have to work on the 'outside'? Well, these people - nurses, cashiers in supermarkets, truckers, bakers, etc - were **vital for the system** basically over night. They have worked for years and never got any respect. Society looked at Hedgefonds Managers or rich startup tech-bros if you asked to show you "successful people". Yet societies all over the globe are fine with them just sitting at home. But what would happen if the nurses and the people who take care of the steady supply of food decide to #StayHome as well? If you are still thinking about it: Stop. We would be royally fucked. Maybe we should start and pay them accordingly.... ツ Besides these two things, something else changed: Priorities shifted. Just think about it - half a year ago, lots of folks never thought about their health. We thought about where we want to go for vacation, which restaurant to visit or if we can afford a new car or a bigger flat. For now, most of these things don't matter anymore, as long as we're healthy. I'm pretty sure, this new focus is a good thing. After all, the only really important thing for us is that our families are safe and healthy. Consuming *more* from whatever we thought was important is apparently not the most important thing in the world. Keep that it mind - and take care of yourself and your loved ones.