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a real human being writing about infosec, coding and other stuff. maybe.

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booklist 2021

13 Jan 2022 - mrtn

I’ve probably never read (or listened to more) books than last year. Some sucked big time (looking at you, ‘9 Tage wach’), some are among the best books I ever read. I’m not a big fan of scores or star ratings, so here are a few books (in no particular order) that left an impression:

Insane Mode, Principles, Agro Mafia and every book by Rainer Zitelmann were also impressive and are right behind these.

All things considered, I’m quite happy with my reading last year. It was a lot of differnt things and covered a wide range of topics, authors, genres and moods. And almost every book lead to some ideas and thoughts afterwards.

Here is the list in chronological order of my reading last year, starting in january 2021:

Feel free to pick one or more of these, have a look at them and let me know if you enjoyed them. Keep reading, keep learning.